Blog Posts

Process Over Skill – Betty’s “Keep In Mind Corner”
by Betty Adkins “Always ask yourself: "What will happen if I say nothing?” ― Kamand Kojouri You might be thinking, “Hmm, Betty. How does glue relate to staying quiet? I simply don’t get it!” For me, learning to focus on the process – not the product or skill – was...

To Learn We Must Reflect – Betty’s “Keep in Mind Corner”
by Betty Adkins, MS “We do not learn by experience, we learn by reflecting on experience.” — John Dewey I remember well the first time I had a student have a complete meltdown while out in the community. I was teaching young children with autism and intellectual...

Back to School already! — Betty’s “Keep in Mind Corner”
by Betty Adkins, M.S. "The beginning is the most important part of the work." ― Plato The beginning of the school year is just around the corner, and for many of us, this new beginning brings excitement coupled with anxiety. As a retired teacher, I can assure you that...

Why the @#$% do Kids Curse?
Do you have a kid who curses when they get upset? I've known some really sweet kids who, when they are upset, say unbelievable things — using words that their parents are pretty sure they have never used themselves. If you've got a kid like this, it can be incredibly...

Your Child (Young Adult!) is Graduating: A List of Things To Do
The moment your child graduates from high school is as important and overwhelming as the moment they started kindergarten. And for people with (and without!) disabilities, the world of adult services and options is simultaneously exhilarating, terrifying, and...

Parenting Teens and Young Adults: A Reflection in Three Parts
You know how sometimes you feel like the universe is trying to send you a message? I’ve been getting that feeling over the last few months. With my own children navigating the treacherous transition to adulthood I have been reflecting on my role in their journey, and...

How to Plan a Family Vacation That Will Be Fun for Everyone
As summer approaches, many families look forward to a family vacation where they can escape from the relentless demands of the school year. Sadly, the jarring disconnect between expectations and the reality of traveling with kids leaves many parents wishing they had...

A Parenting Lesson from My Dad
Occasionally I ask friends, colleagues, and clients if they would be willing to share their perspectives on my blog. Dr. Donna Henderson is both wise and compassionate, and I am delighted that she's agreed to allow us to share this piece she wrote. It’s funny...

Choosing a Clinician to Work With Your Child
Your child has been diagnosed with a health condition, disorder or challenge that you know nothing about. You need to find a doctor, therapist, specialist, or other clinician to help. But how do you find someone qualified, whom you trust, and whom your child will want...

Orthographic (Surface) Dyslexia: It’s Not Just About Phonology
I recently had a conversation with my colleague, Donna Henderson, Psy.D., about a form of dyslexia that she has noticed in some of her clients with autism. My curiosity was piqued because I had noted similar patterns of spelling errors in a number of my clients, but...
“We are so grateful that someone recommended we get in touch with Sarah! My son had struggled with school from the beginning, and it seriously affected his health and emotions, as well as our family life. Sarah helped guide us through the process of getting more detailed testing done to determine his strengths and learning disabilities. She was an invaluable support throughout the very difficult process of working with his school to update his IEP to reflect his needs, and helped us advocate for our son to get the services he required, which ultimately led to a new school setting where he is finally happy, and feeling successful and confident in his abilities.”
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