Training & Presentations

Dr. Wayland has presented on the following topics. Select from these, or ask for something specific to your needs.
- Is This Autism? Helping your neurodivergent child succeed at school, at home, and in the community.
- Know Your Child, Know Yourself: Parenting with Your Child’s Profile in Mind.
- Parenting Challenging Children? First Put On Your Own Oxygen Mask.
- The Many Faces of Grief: Understanding Yourself While Loving Your Child.
- Effectively Communicating with Your Child.
- The Emotional Rollercoaster of Parenting Kids with Disabilities.
- Coaching Relationship Development in Children with Autism.
- RDI™: Helping Children Learn How to Relate to Others.
- Launching Your Twice-Exceptional Student
- Supporting Students with Autism in the Classroom.
- Literacy and Autism.
- Behavior is Communication! Demystifying Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs).
- Relationship Development Intervention (RDI) in the Classroom.
- Is This Autism? Autistic Strengths.
- Is This Autism? Common Co-occurring Conditions.
- Reasons Why: The Core Challenges of Autism.
- What is This Thing Called Autism? Understanding Your Child.
- Our Child Just Got an Autism Diagnosis. Now What?
- Supporting Students with Autism in the Classroom.
- The Ages & Stages of Social Communication: Approaches for Teaching Relation Development.
- Parenting Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
- Understand Emotions, Stress, and the Brain and You Will Understand Challenging Behavior.
- Stress and the Brain: Self-Regulation Strategies to Help You and Your Family.
- Kids Do Well When They Can: Working with Challenging Kids.
- The Critical Importance of a Sense of Safety.
My goal is to help parents, educators, and providers understand kids who are different and how to help them succeed.
When you understand a child, it’s easier to know how to help them.
And when you understand yourself, it’s easier to figure out which strategies will work for you.
Come learn with me. Together we can make a difference.
Sarah Wayland
“Really great! Sarah Wayland is awesome!”
“Dr. Wayland helped me feel more empowered and encouraged where I was feeling very discouraged before. It validated my concerns and offered some very real help to address my child’s challenges. Dr. Wayland was an incredible instructor and this was an incredibly useful class. I greatly benefitted from it.”
“I wouldn’t change a thing! I loved it!”
“I truly enjoyed this presentation. I found Dr. Wayland a phenomenal presenter and a great instructor, plus she is very resourceful. I would not hesitate to recommend her presentations to others.”
“Fantastic presentation. So helpful and insightful. Dr. Wayland has so much wisdom and experience to share and it is truly a gift to those willing to listen.”
“Sarah hit a home run with this workshop. Great job! Great info – really very helpful!!!”
An acclaimed speaker and trainer, Sarah Wayland wants to empower you through education.
From one-hour workshops to multi-week courses, Dr. Wayland has presented to parents, students, teachers, and clinical professionals around the world. As a college professor, she loved helping her students learn new ways of understanding the world; now she brings that passion to her work on behalf of exceptional students. In addition to her classes for parents, she has presented workshops and lectures, hosted online trainings, and helped to develop training programs for educators, clinicians, and employers. Her mission is to help people with disabilities by educating and guiding those who love and support them.
Want to learn more? Dr. Wayland’s Curriculum Vita tells all.